Panel 1: Valentin is at a bus stop in the middle of the university, still a bit in shock.
Panel 2: He goes up some stairs, just ahead are the glass doors of a building. He's casting a green-colored spell (which looks like interlocked geometrical figures above his palm).
Panel 3: Long panel, showing the portal bringing students in the magic university. In the foreground, some students are casting a blue-colored spell as training. A bubble of liquid is floating. In the background, Valentin is approaching a building named "Amphi M".
Panel 4: A row in the amphitheater. Valentin puts his bag on the table. On the right on the panel, Oscar is writing something (he's left-handed) in a notebook. In front of him is also a small book and a pencil case, from which pokes a rat tail. Oscar is rather short, as long black hair in a ponytail. He has round eyes and a blush that never leave his cheeks.
Panel 5: Valentin sits abruptly down next to Oscar, who looks at him.
Panel 6: Oscar looks down again to his writing, and asks "So... what happened?". Valentin answers as he slouches and watches the ceiling "You won't believe me" (his speech bubble is kinda of dripping)