Panel 1: The teacher emerges from behind the desk, a bit of dust still forming clouds around her. She's a bit dusty and disheveled herself, but doesn't seem to care. Her hair is long, and we can see a long scar across the right side of her face. He right ear also has a bit missing. As she looks around smiling, she says "All of you! That's what I wanna see!".
Panel 2: She closes her eyes and dust her robe as she speaks. "At the end of this year, you'll be graduates. If you want to be apprentices next year or pass your internship, you gotta work on your skills."
Panel 3: Close up of the teacher tying up her hair. A student - who we do not see - protests "Ma'am, not everybody is a High Mage in the making!". She doesn't seem convinced by his argument. She hums.
Panel 4: As she speaks, we see the reaction of Valentin and Oscar. Sjhe says "True, but that's not his affinity with the Currents that made him react". Valentin, still upright, is looking sideway, blushing, but nos smiling. He scratches his hair. She continues "Also, good points for Mr Keyes for quick thinking, alas not thorough enough." There are some chuckles around this bubble, and Oscar - who went back to writing his stuff - is annoyed at this remark ("Heh!")