Panel 1: Valentin and Theo are watching rows of products.
Panel 2: In the foreground, we see Theo's profile as he reading a can of beans tag. In the background, there's a faun, their back turned on us, with a shop basket.
Panel 3: Valentin is surprised. In big letters next to him is written "FAUN!".
Panel 4: Valentin's hands hold a seal as he whispers "paateface cermanum idon suum (show (me) their true form)". The spell is is light green.
Panel 5: In the foreground, the faun remains unchanged. He seems perplexed but unaware of Valentin's presence. He has curving horns that goes round his ears, which are poiting upward. He sports a goatee and the same king of cloak as the first faun. He is inspecting a shirt. In the background, Valentin is staring, thinking "not an illusion then..."
Panel 6: Valentin is panicking, thinking "and now what??", his back turned from the faun. In the background, the faun goes away, whistling, still with his shop basket.